Our experience

Our staff have significant experience gained through engagements across Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, Africa, North America and South America for all tiers of government, peak industry bodies and the private sector. 

Port expansion business case

Provided advice, transport chain operational cost modelling, and benefit cost analysis for commodity exports as part of a port expansion project. The work examined the change in supply chain transport costs (all modes) to market, and the resulting effect on hinterland exporter viability through achieving a lower cost pathway from the proposed capital works.

Port land use strategy

As part of a port master planning process, undertook trade and vessel forecasting to assess current and future port capacity required over the next 20 years. The study included analysis of current and future freight demand, vessel size, and berth occupancy for general freight, dry bulk commodities, petroleum and gas products, livestock, and oil and gas support, to assist in planning the berth and land side infrastructure over the planning horizon.

Marine repair precinct growth strategy

Undertook analysis of priority developments (both infrastructure and non-infrastructure) within a significant marine repair precinct to support a long-term sustainable marine industry. The work involved an assessment of existing infrastructure, future demand/requirements, development of strategic options and assessment of the options.

Strategic port review and development plan

Reviewed implementation success of strategic recommendations for several international ports, specifically related to the planning and management of the infrastructure assets. The review made recommendations to assist in dealing with supply chain efficiency and integrated transport system management to accommodate growth in container and break-bulk volumes, fuel imports and distribution, and other bulk liquid exports.

Terminal staging options

Undertook a supply chain logistics and cost analysis as part of a staging review for a port terminal development. The analysis included the development of transport and terminal costs for identified users within the catchment area to assess the commercial viability of operations for each user.

Sustainable shipping services

Undertook a study to identify a long-term sustainable shipping service for remote island communities. The project involved analysis of the historical shipping demand (including development of freight forecasts), benchmarking of the existing shipping service with international examples, development of potential shipping options, quantitative analysis of options, and provide recommendations regarding the most appropriate cost to risk shipping solution that was commercially sustainable.

International coal power plant

Undertook a maritime logistics analysis for a proposed coal power plant. The project included assessment and cost modelling of coal and limestone sourcing options and maritime transport strategies, a review of maritime operations (including navigation approach and departure to the proposed maritime infrastructure location), and preliminary design of berth infrastructure based on the operations analysis.

Transport system prefeasibility logistics

Undertook a maritime logistics analysis as part of minerals project assessment. The project included development of maritime strategies using a range of transhipment technologies, barge types, and export ship sizes for different production rates, barge loading locations and landside infrastructure to determine the likely operational requirements, the maritime transport cost, the preferred transhipment strategy, and make recommendation on further actions (as part of future studies) to be considered in managing maritime transport for the project.

Transport cost comparison 

For an opportunity pursuit business case, undertook a cost analysis to assess the competitive position of various oil and gas platform supply vessel base locations within the region, including cost estimation of the transport value chain for delivering supplies (fuel, water, muds, and pipes) from origin to platform.

Outbound logistics study

Undertook a logistics analysis of outbound processes for steel production operations. This work encompassed all components of the logistics operation from the mill to the ship’s hold and provided future logistics options relating change in shipping practices and planned infrastructure development.

Meat processing feasibility

Undertook a full supply chain assessment of live cattle and processed meat as part of a prefeasibility study for different Beef Supply Chain Models to international markets. The work included a supply chain modelling assessment of domestic and international transport options.

Minerals load-out fascility

Undertook analysis of priority developments (both infrastructure and non-infrastructure) within a significant marine repair precinct to support a long-term sustainable marine industry. The work involved an assessment of existing infrastructure, future demand/requirements, development of strategic options and assessment of the options.

Container export study

Undertook a transport options study for the export of containerised products from a proposed remote development. This work involved a review of port, road and ship transport options to identify the best cost to risk transport strategy.

Module transport logistics

Review of transport logistics options for pre-fabricated modules to be used in the construction of a fuel processing facility. The study examined the physical and regulatory constraints for the transport of oversize and over mass project cargo by rail, road and barge from multiple entry ports to a number of potential site locations. The outcome of the study determined the maximum freight (size and mass) envelope, and identified risks that may have a material impact on project delivery and costs.

Intermodal terminal options 

Undertook a site selection and concept design study for a potential intermodal terminal development in North West Queensland. The study included analysis of a number of sites for the green field development to support energy and resources projects in the region.

Economic development options

Undertook a transport assessment in support of agricultural  development in Papua New Guinea to improve economic opportunities. The work included an assessment of technical feasibility of new shipping and road transport system options , an assessment of potential demand that may arise with construction of a new connecting road, a systematic review of the needs and aspirations of stakeholders, as well as the identification of a potential PPP structure to encourage private sector participation

Transport and logistics study

Provided import and export supply chain logistics analysis and advice for an international mining operation from pre-feasibility through to feasibility. The study addressed the nature, capability and cost of the transportation system to support a mine life extension. Also provided strategies for the transport of export product to market, transport of material and supplies into the mining operation and transport of personnel to and from the site.

Export cost benchmarking

For a project proponent, undertook a review of a Joint Venture Feasibility Study, and independently assessed the reasonableness of the proposed logistics tariff. The work included a review of the proposed off- take arrangements, assessment of the proposed rail and port infrastructure operating assumptions and subsequent costs, and evaluation of the underlying financial models. The analysis was then used to inform investment decision confidence for the proposed development.

Transport Infrastructure Priorities 

Developed a quantitative assessment framework and process to assess the comparative economic benefits of transport infrastructure maintenance, rehabilitation, and new construction projects as part of a country development plan. The outcome provided a consistent and robust analysis to inform clear prioritisation of spending on transport infrastructure across all modes (road, air and maritime) to allow the Government to allocate scarce financial and other resources in providing the greatest economic benefit to the nation.

Rail detailed business case

Supported the development of a Detailed Business Case for the development of a new rail corridor. As part of the project, led the development of a custom rail simulation model to assess the operational changes resulting from developing the infrastructure, and the impact of integration with the port infrastructure and existing rail network.

Logistics and channel capacity

For the vendor, undertook reviews and preparation of background reports for bidders on landside logistics and channel capacity for an iron ore terminal,  a container and general cargo port, and dry and liquid bulk terminal assets as part of the vendor technical due diligence process

Mine development due diligence

For a Chinese investor, undertook a supply chain analysis as part of an African mineral resource technical due diligence. The analysis included a review and assessment of the rail and barging export supply chains for the proposed mining operation prior to purchase

Port technical due diligence

Prepared background landside logistics reports on a large bulk commodity port to inform bidders as part of the vendor due diligence. The analysis included description of the port precincts, landside connectivity (road and rail), and an assessment of trade flows within the port, areas of specialisation, and an assessment of road and rail capacity within the context of trade growth.

Infrastructure competition review

As part of the due diligence process for a potential investor in bulk commodity port and rail infrastructure, undertook a competition review of existing and potential future infrastructure assets to identify opportunities and threats to current and potential future throughput tonnage


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